Size of the Target Market

Our target market is split into customers, interested in easing their current methods for making appointments, and businesses (or salons) that want to extend their reach and better manage their schedule.
The initial target market will be the people in Romanian urban areas. The beauty and wellness domain is used by a vast majority of the people, so if we focus our attention on Bucharest at the start of business, we target up to 1.8 million customers.
The number of salons exceeds 500 if we consider statistics from one of our competitors.
Further plans involve extending the business over the majority of the urban areas in Romania. In the distant future we also plan to enter the European and even global market.


After thorough research, we found 6 competitors with no clear monopoly over the market segment:
Novabooker helps beauty and wellness businesses increase their number of clients by simplifying the process of making an appointment.
BeautyLink is a user-friendly application that gives clients the opportunity to make an appointment at their favorite beauty salon, at a specialist they want, from home, from the office or wherever they are, using a mobile device and an Internet connection.
Gestio Salon is an online software designed for beauty and wellness businesses that helps them in daily salon management.
Calendis is a flexible online appointment platform that addresses certain categories of businesses in various fields such as medicine, beauty, sports and leisure, construction and installation, pets and more. is an electronic agenda designed specifically so that businesses in fields such as beauty, medicine and sports can easily and efficiently organize all their appointments and customer data.
Laso gives the opportunity of searching for the best salons around a specific address and to book the time slot that best fits the client's schedule.
In the following tables we will present which functionalities each solution mentioned above provides for clients and businesses alike:

Customer Solution

NovaBooker BeautyLink Gestio Salon Calendis Ziora
Reminder notifications Yes No N/A Yes Yes No
Free slot notification Yes No N/A No No No
Work Schedule for salons Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
List of services Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
Stylist/Salon portofolio Yes No N/A No Yes No
Filter stylist/salons Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
Choose certain stylist from a salon when making an appointment Yes No N/A Yes Yes Yes
View salon location on the map Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
View all salons in a certain region on the map No No N/A No Yes No
Review system No No N/A No Yes Yes
Rating system Yes No N/A No Yes Yes
Make an appointment while unauthenticated No No N/A No No Yes
Save favourite salons No No N/A No Yes Yes
View appointments history No No N/A Yes No Yes
Online payment No No N/A No No No
Price Free Free N/A Free Free Free

Businesses Solution

NovaBooker BeautyLink Gestio Salon Calendis Ziora
Give feedback to app developers No Yes No No No No
Available for individual providers Yes Yes No No No No
Integrated chat No Yes No No No No
Demo account No No No No Yes No
Appointment calendar Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Define a list of stylists Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Define a list of services with price and duration Yes Yes Price and duration are defined manually when making an appointment Yes Yes Yes
Create a portofolio Yes No No No No No
Reports No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Client database Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View geographical reach No Yes No No No No
Training courses No Yes No No No No
Marketing campaigns No No No No No Yes
Shop No Yes No No Yes No
Integration of cash registers No No No No No Yes
Payment in advance for clients No No No No No No
Price 100 RON monthly for individual brands, for businesses with more employees the price increases with 100 RON for every 5 stylists On demand Starting from 3 RON per stylist monthly Free first month, between 19 RON and 79 RON monthly per stylist afterwards On demand Free for the first 25 appointments, starting from 30 EUR per 100 appointments monthly, 120 EUR for unlimited appointments monthly

What do we bring new?

Taking into account customers feedback collected during the first stage of validation and defining functions according to their needs, our solution will cumulate some of the features mentioned above.
What will differentiate us from these already existing solutions, from the point of view of businesses, will be the ability to rate and review clients.
Based on this system, beauty and wellness businesses will have the opportunity to choose if they will confirm an appointment request from a client with a bad reputation.
If they will take the risk, a request to pay a part of the service in advance, as a guarantee of their presence at the appointment, will be possible.

Potential Market Share in first 5 Years

We can make an educated guess on the market share between the competition at the moment judging by the number of Google Play downloads on their respective apps. While some of them are also available on the App Store, the number of downloads is not available to the public. Calendis has separate apps for the client and business, while Gestio Salon is only targeted towards salons.

These are the statistics for every competitor:
Solution Nof downloads on Google Play Store Market Share 10k+ 31.1%
BeautyLink 10k+ 31.1%
Nova Booker 10k+ 31.1%
Calendis 1k+ for customers
500+ for businesses
Ziora 500+ 1.6%
Gestio Salon 100+ (business only) 0.3%
Total 33.7k+ 100%
We cannot have an exact estimate of customers and salons, judging only by the numbers of downloads, since many may be duplicated.
However, this can give us a rough estimate and going forward, we will consider that the current market consists of:
33.2k customers
500 salons

From previous forms handed out to both customers and salons, we have the following statistics:
82.0% of customers that would use an online solution currently don't
57.9% of salons that would use an online solution currently don't

Given these numbers, we can roughly expect the following numbers for the potential untapped market:
150k customers
500 salons

For the first year, we aim to get 1% of the current and 0.5% of the potential one.
The year after we manage to get the attention of an additional 2.5% of the potential market through extensive ad campaigns and another 1% of the initial market.
Going forward, after the platform gains traction, the ads will continue to bring in more customers and salons to our app for the following years.
The other solutions also try to appeal to the potential market each year.
Year Solution Market Share
1st NovaBooker 30.31% 30.12%
BeautyLink 30.12%
Calendis 4.65%
PlanInsta 3.12%
Ziora 1.49%
Gestio Salon 0.29%
2nd NovaBooker 27.84% 26.83%
BeautyLink 26.62%
PlanInsta 13.31%
Calendis 3.91%
Ziora 1.24%
Gestio Salon 0.25%
3rd NovaBooker 26.65% 24.60%
BeautyLink 23.07%
PlanInsta 19.20%
Calendis 3.58%
Ziora 2.56%
Gestio Salon 0.35%
4th NovaBooker 27.22%
PlanInsta 26.01% 20.93%
BeautyLink 19.23%
Calendis 3.32%
Ziora 2.94%
Gestio Salon 0.36%
5th PlanInsta 30.06%
NovaBooker 28.94% 17.63%
BeautyLink 15.97%
Ziora 3.12%
Calendis 2.68%
Gestio Salon 1.61%

More details can be found here.

Market Value in first 5 Years

General context:
The appointment scheduling software is an industry of $205.85 million registered in 2018 with an annual growth of 13.1% [1].
The market share for Europe is 28% [2], which means $57.64 million.

Our target market is a lot more restricted, given that we first focus on cities in Romania. We cannot have an exact estimate of the amount for each, since the charges are done with respect to the size of the salon and we aren’t always given a definite range. We can make an educated guess for a revenue of 50 EUR per month for each salon. If we consider the previous number of 500 initial salons, the current monthly revenue of the industry is 25,000 EUR.
Assuming an annual growth as mentioned above of 13.1%, this is the evolution over the first 5 years of our market value:
Year Market Share Market Value (EUR)
1 3.12% 881.15
2 13.31% 5136.66
3 19.20% 12081.83
4 26.01% 22721.83
5 30.06% 36627.43

More details can be found here.



The target market has a lot of untapped potential that the current solutions do not fully take advantage of.
This can enable us to have a steady growth in the market share for the first years and the possibility to expand our reach beyond the original goal, consisting of Romanian cities.

PlanInsta Team

Ovidiu Dăncilă
Back-End Developer
Andrei Lecu
Back-End Developer
Vlad Ilie
Front-End Developer
Andreea Georgian
Front-End Developer
Vlad Ștefănescu
Front-End Developer
Cristian Popa
Data Scientist
Bianca Cauc
Project Manager
Bucharest, Romania
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